The Houthis Hit Israel Again

The attack underscores that the Houthis are undeterred by American denunciations and pinprick responses to their assault on commercial shipping in the Red Sea region. The Houthis are allies of Iran, which provides them with weapons, including missiles.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the Houthis would pay a “heavy price” for the attack, citing Israeli retaliation in July on the Yemeni port of Hodeida after a Houthi drone attack on Tel Aviv. The U.S. should long ago have taken stronger action against the Houthis, as well as against Iran for supplying missiles to Russia and the Houthis.

But President Biden fears escalation, and so Israel has to live with Houthi attacks while U.S. Navy commanders in the region play defense against Houthi assaults. The civilized world is losing its war with the Houthis and Iranians, and imagine what they will do when Iran gets nuclear weapons. The “heavy price” will be paid by the rest of the world.


Journal Editorial Report: The week's best and worst from Jason Riley, Bill McGurn and Dan Henninger. Photo: Agence France-Presse/Getty Image

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Appeared in the September 16, 2024, print edition as 'The Houthis Hit Israel Again'.


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